Wednesday, August 4, 2010

my feeling~~at this moment~~

ermmm...exam pg td totally out!!!
so, arinie pnyer exam ENT hopefully can do very well...INSYAALLAH..
call mom pas mgrib,tp mom bru mandi..
continued wat article sampai terlupa nak call..
finally my mom sleep already sleep..
need a wish and blessing from my mom..and abah..
miss them damn to mucchh!!!

later, practical kat ampang...
tp wat request stay out..
sb its the best for me with own life..
its better to be alone..
drpd bteman..
nanti teman akan myusahkan n mncri pasal yg xda kaitan dgan aku sndri.
biarkan teman itu mmbodohkan diri sndri, n aku still dgan dunia aku sndiri...weweweeeeeeeee..

ipin,ip,yan and chrip
opss..jaiho n doraemon akn myusul k..huhuh